Statement of Common Understanding

I stand before all declaring as truth;
I am human
We are people

I have the basic understandings that;
Humans are people, corporations are not
I have certain rights - those listed in the UN declaration but not limited by them and to be tolerated as long as I do not harm others.
The power of governance comes from living people and therefor governance’s primary objective is to protect those rights.
My body is my own, it is not a resource to be harnessed by "societal factories".
Resources provided by the environment belong to all including future generations

Education, Truth and Tolerance are the guiding principles of a just society.
I have responsibilities - To learn, to vote and to judge laws not people
I have the freedom of choice - to cooperate with those who share common understanding and not cooperate with those who do not.
I claim the power of governance, which comes from living people.

My position is non cooperation, I will not bow in subservience to "legal entities" and the sweat of my brow is my own it is not owned by "corporations".
I demand that my government who's primary objective is to protect the people, to contain this malevolent entity known as a corporation, the entity that has sprung into being from charters and contract wrote with the authority of the people so therefor corporations are property not people.


I will trade only with those that support my principles.
I will shop locally to strengthen my community.
I will tolerate others and their actions as long as they do not harm me nor harm others.
I will do no harm to another living being unless it affects my survival.
I will educate myself in all things without judgment until I can understand the matter proficiently.
I accept the fact that my decisions affect my fate and my future.

I accept and welcome diversity of personal identity but condemn any divisiveness of humanity.

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I accept and welcome diversity of personal identity but condemn any divisiveness of humanity.