Reverse trickle down economics
Eliminate all
tax advantages and lucrative incentives to all corporations including cash rewards, sales tax refund, exemptions or other sales tax discounts, property tax abatement, corporate income tax credit, rebate or reduction, free services.
Immediate local based, basic income guarantee (BIG) to be paid by the above with any shortfalls to be funded by federal government.
SBA to implement an immediate plan to provide worker owned business training and capital funding resources in Detroit.
Fully fund and open all school cafeteria's to local low income and elderly residents daily.
All purchases by and for any federal, state, city programs within the city of Detroit to purchased at a locally owned business with preferences made towards worker owned and coop businesses.
Worker owned weatherization program to retrofit, insulate and repair housing for low income and elderly, multi-family and commercial buildings. Promotes the repair and energy efficiency of local homes and provides basic lower skilled but good paying jobs.
Change the way anchor businesses needs for services are fulfilled
Organic / sustainable local worker owned food co-ops
Community owned local stores
Will this solve the emergency YES will it solve all the problems NO but it will reduce the trauma and buy time to implement longer term solutions.
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